Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kung fu part 2

In the holidays my family and I went to Sylvia Park to watch Kung Fu Panda 2. We were meant to go and watch Cars 2 but sadly it was sold out. The movie was going to start in 30 minutes. In that time we went to the grocery store to buy treats because it is cheaper.

Finally we had got all the treats and headed back to the cinema. I was looking forward to seeing what kind of adventure Pou (panda) was going to have. Jack black is a very entertaining actor and also really funny. Kung Fu Panda part 1 was kind of funny but this one looked hilarious.

The main character (Pou) was searching for inner peace. He was trying to search for his parents. When he was a baby he was abandoned and brought up by Mr Ping (goose). He discovered that his parents were attacked and killed when he was a baby.

My favorite part of the movie was when he fought against lord Shen who was trying to take over china. I thought lord Shen was going to win easily because Pou is such a clumsy panda, but maybe I thought wrong,massivie firey mateal balls were getting shot at Pou. What he done was found inner peace and slowley swifted the balls back at all Mr shen army.

Over all I thought this movie was really funny. My vote was probably 9 out of 10 stars.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that was a interesting story moses. You must of had a fantastic holiday watching Kung Fu Panda 2. The thing I thought was cool about your story was how you described what was happening in the movie.
